The BBO projects, funded from the National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund, completed delivery in 2023. In this current economic climate and given the emerging challenges people are facing, the need for this voluntary sector led project – post ESF funding, is greater than ever. Read our Legacy Evaluation Report

About Money Sorted in D2N2

Money Sorted in D2N2 provides support and personally tailored interventions for people experiencing the greatest financial difficulty.  It will enable individuals to take control, build their confidence and skills and help them tackle barriers and problems in order to improve their financial well-being.

D2N2 Project leaflet

Who is it for?

Anyone who is experiencing financial difficulties and worries and would like some support.

It is for people living in either Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham or Nottinghamshire who are unemployed or economically inactive.

What does the project provide?

  • Personal Navigator providing individual support
  • Assessment of financial well-being
  • Personal Financial Resilience Plan
  • Support with current financial circumstances, including debt, benefits, banking and any other aspects
  • Financial capability support/ training, tailored to the needs of the participant
  • Money Mentor option
  • Other support, as relevant to the participant
  • It will also help in moving people toward training or employment

How is the project funded?

‘Money Sorted in D2N2’ is a project funded as part of the Building Better Opportunities programme in D2N2. This project is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund. (previously The Big Lottery Fund).